Project Name => $4 Million USD Celebration

An Army of One
We titled this 2021 video “An Army of One” because it all started with Jade Lilly in 2004.
One person's vision turned into an army of thousands of generous people over the years who together helped raise our total to over 4 MILLION DOLLARS for the American Cancer Society.

Project Name => The Whole of the Moon

The Whole of the Moon
In a year that had become a waiting room of suffocating uncertainty, hundreds and hundreds of caring people residing as avatars in a virtual world called Second Life stepped up for the American Cancer Society.

Project Name => 2020 Relay Weekend

Project Name => We Are The World Too

We Are The World Too
We thought it would be fun to put a call out to some of our Relay friends to help us with a very special video project. Something to show the solidarity of our virtual Relay community to the real world because WE ARE THE WORLD TOO.

Project Name => Social Distancing Parody

Social Distancing Parody

Project Name => Stronger

With Relay for Life of Second Life you are never alone... there are so many wonderful people working together for our Relay... so many Relays across the country have been postponed due to COVID-19, but in Second Life we all get to keep going with our virtual Relay... we saw this cancer related video from Seattle Childrens Hospital set to the song Stronger by Kelly Clarkson and we thought it would be fun to use our "stay at home" time and create a Second Life version with some of our Relay friends... we had a lot of fun and we want to thank everyone who helped us... we are all going through some difficult times right now, but together we are stronger...

Project Name => Campsite Registration

Campsite Registration

Project Name => 2020 Relay Kickoff

Rescue Me
We were honored to produce a survivor package to be used at the 2020 Relay For Life of Second Life Kickoff. We held our release of this video until the day after kickoff, so that the MP3 audio file could be used at kickoff.
We sat down with four cancer survivors, Camme Carver, Eli-Kiss Moonites Ryder, Marina Sharpshire and Fizban Underwood to listen to their stories.
We have produced many videos over the last three years and this one was without doubt the most gut wrenching and the most impactful for us to date.

Project Name => 2020 Relay Promo - Rubik's Cube

Rubik's Cube Promo

Project Name => 2020 Relay Promo - Dalmation Reveal

Dalmation Reveal

Project Name => 2020 Relay Promo - Sparks

RelayRefresh - Sparks
Relay Refresh is back for our 3rd year of telling the stories about our friends who Relay in Second Life. Relay 2020 registration opens January 15th and Relay 2020 Kickoff is February 15th. Our theme this year is Game On, Cancer - The Cure Starts Here.